Thursday, June 7, 2012

Russell Sutton's Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine

Russell Sutton is a man after our own heart. The craftsman has spent the last four years building a nine-cylinder radial engine using a smattering of Honda XR600 singles for his airboat.
Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine

Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine

Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine

Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine

Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine

Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine

Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine

Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine

Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine

Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine

Honda XR600 9 Cylinder Radial Engine
After a little trial and error, Sutton discovered his creation is happier running off of liquid propane gas instead of gasoline. Years of hard work finally paid off when he recently started his monster creation for the first time. The elegant radial fires with a puff of smoke before before settling into a perfect hum. Unfortunately, the success is quickly marred by the sound of mechanical failure


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